Projekt Kuiper: Amazon übernimmt Facebook-Team für Internet-Satelliten

Gemäss Wikipedia ist Starlink mit 1660 Satelliten (Stand Juni 2021) der grösste Satellittenbetreiber weltweit. Da kann also nicht davon gesprochen werden, dass Elon Musk Internet-Satelliten in den Weltraum schiessen “will”.

Nicht nur Elon Musk will mit seinem Unternehmen Starlink Internet-Satelliten in den Weltraum schießen. Auch Amazon baut sein Projekt Kuiper immer weiter aus. Schon im April 2021 hat der Konzern dafür das Expertenteam von Facebook übernommen.

Quelle: Projekt Kuiper: Amazon übernimmt Facebook-Team für Internet-Satelliten

SpaceX’s Starlink reaches 69,420 active users – Drive Tesla Canada

Elon Musk announced on Twitter that SpaceX’s Starlink service exceeded 69.420 active users this week. Considering Starlink hit 10,000 users in February, the almost seven-time growth is encouraging for the company.

Quelle: SpaceX’s Starlink reaches 69,420 active users – Drive Tesla Canada

SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Says ‘We Should Act Now’ To Become Multiplane

SpaceX founder Elon Musk is investing his time and wealth into making life multiplanetary. His aerospace company runs around-the-clock operations to develop the Starship spacecraft that could enable humans to extend life beyond Earth. SpaceX is a leader in aerospace innovation, it became the first private company to return human spaceflight capabilities to America and is actively developing technology that will decrease the cost of spaceflight long-term. NASA believes in SpaceX’s engineering talent, the agency awarded SpaceX a contract to return astronauts to the moon aboard a lunar-optimized Starship. SpaceX aims to enable a frequent human presence on the lunar surface, ultimately, Musk sees the moon as a stepping stone –his sight is set on colonizing the Red Planet.

Quelle: SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Says ‘We Should Act Now’ To Become Multiplane

Musk verbaut Auto-Komponenten in Raketen: Warum Tesla-Teile an SpaceX gehen

Dass eine Verbindung zwischen dem Raumfahrtunternehmen SpaceX und dem Automobilhersteller Tesla besteht, ist dank des gleichen CEOs beider Firmen mehr als ein offenes Geheimnis. Die Verbindung wird durch den Transfer von Bauteilen zwischen den Firmen von Jahr zu Jahr immer enger.Im vergangenen Jahr hat SpaceX Bauteile für insgesamt 2,6 Millionen Dollar von Tesla gekauft. Das geht aus einer aktuellen Börsen-Meldung aus den USA hervor. Um welche Auto-Komponenten es sich dabei konkret handelt, geht aus der Meldung zwar nicht hervor, wachsame Beobachter entdeckten auf Trümmerbildern eines explodierten Starship-Prototypen zuletzt einen Motor, der sonst im Tesla Model 3 verbaut ist.

Quelle: Musk verbaut Auto-Komponenten in Raketen: Warum Tesla-Teile an SpaceX gehen –

SpaceX Is Building Starship’s Orbital Launch Tower Ahead Of Potential

SpaceX is building the first prototype of the giant Super Heavy rocket booster that will propel Starship to orbit at Starbase, located in Boca Chica Beach, Texas. The rocket will be the world’s most powerful rocket, equipped with 28 methane-fueled Raptor engines that will generate over 16 million pounds of thrust upon liftoff –that’s over twice the thrust of the Saturn V rocket that launched NASA’s Apollo missions to the lunar surface. SpaceX plans to ‘catch’ the Super Heavy rocket after it launches Starship to orbit. Catching the 230-foot-tall (70-meter) booster as it descends from space will enable fast reusability. “Starship booster, largest flying object ever designed, will be caught out of sky by launch tower. Big step forward, as reflight can be done in under an hour,” SpaceX founder Elon Musk said on April 7. Using the launch tower to catch the rocket “saves mass and cost of legs… enables immediate repositioning of booster on to launch mount […],” he stated.

Quelle: SpaceX Is Building Starship’s Orbital Launch Tower Ahead Of Potential

Wisconsin County Will Fund Access To SpaceX Starlink Broadband

50 ländliche Haushalte sollen versuchsweise einen SpaceX-Anschluss bekommen.

Home / Tesmanian BlogNextWisconsin County Will Fund Access To SpaceX Starlink Broadband For 50 Rural Households & Businessesby Evelyn Arevalo May 19, 2021SpaceX StarlinkWisconsin County Will Fund Access To SpaceX Starlink Broadband For 50 Rural Households & BusinessesThe Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) announced on May 13 that it will initiate a pilot program to connect a rural community in Eau Claire County to SpaceX’s Starlink broadband internet service. The constellation of approximately 1,677 satellites in low Earth orbit has the capability of delivering high-speed internet to rural regions where service is limited or not accessible. The pilot program will provide high-speed internet to 50 rural homes and businesses in Eau Clair County.

Quelle: Wisconsin County Will Fund Access To SpaceX Starlink Broadband For 50